Alle Beiträge von rebecca

JA JA Verlag – Ausstellung 28.06.2014 – 19.07.2014

33 IllustratorInnen und ComiczeichnerInnen zeigen Skizzen, Originale und Neues

Aike Arndt | Benjamin Baumhauer | Klaus Cornfield | Jennifer Daniel | Ebeneeza K. | Tine Fetz | Mikiko Fujita | Marie Geißler | Juana Georgia Gürtler | Stephanie Gustai | Dominik Heilig | Charlotte Hofmann | Lihie Jacob | Ulrike Jensen | Anita Leutwiler | Annette Köhn | Alexander von Knorre | Peter Auge Lorenz | Sarah Marschall | Rosanna Merklin | mic | Frollein Motte | Nettmann | Tine Pape | Eric Schneider | Eva Schönfeld | Marc Seestaedt | Maki Shimizu | Paulina Stulin | Anja Vogel | Dirk Wachsmuth | Anne Wenkel | Johanna Zabojnik-Ihla



Eröffnung am 28.06.2014 um 19.00 Uhr

Comiclesung um 21.00 Uhr The Right Here Right Now Thing von Paulina Stulin

 Facebook Event

Mehr info

Chimera Art Award – International Call for Fine Arts

chimera_art_award kopiera

The Chimera-Project is a program gallery in Budapest with strong international orientation.
This newly launched art award is founded to raise international visibility for fine artists (under the age of 40). Following the gallery profile, the award’s main focus is put on the contribution of contemporary art in understanding our time.
The winner of the first prize will receive a solo-exhibition at Chimera-Project together with a 1000.00 USD exhibition budget and an exhibition review. Moreover there will also be a Public Choice Prize, given to one of the 15 shortlisted finalists.

Deadline for all applications is June 25th, 2014. The winners of the award will be announced on July 14th, 2014. More dates and infos you will find here
